Vacuum Cleaning Robots

Robotic vacuums have come a long way. The latest iterations have stronger suction, better edge-cleaning capabilities, and improved programming. Robotic Vacuums operates quietly (like many robotic vacuums), and has a cliff sensor to keep it from tumbling down stairs. This robotic vacuum is WiFi-enabled and can be used with a smartphone app.

Socially Assistive Robots

Socially assistive robots can help older adults perform their daily tasks, assist them in their care and keep them company. Thanks to robotics, we have now created prosthetic robot-arms, robotic surgical assistants, robotic aids to clean the house while we’re gone, as well as robotic dogs. The systematic review reveals that older adults envision socially assistive robots playing certain roles such as performing physically difficult tasks, reminding them to take their medications or go to an appointment, entertaining them and keeping them company.

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